google-site-verification: google314e099c36007d9d.html Problems of Education: March 2017

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Learning English for Children

Before we talk it more about how to do teaching english for children ,first of all we should know the characteristic and behaviour of students . because some of them have had basic knowledge of english from their but on nthe other hand some of them are still know nothing about englsih. no basic at all .
by considering those opinion  I have my own idea  such as below :

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

How to overcome Children Learning Difficulties

Children Learning Difficulties

Problem of learning especially for children is never ended. any how talking about children is very interesting for some  people who has concern about the education itself .indeed to be teacher is very enjoyable ,I can say that because I was teacher formerly. to be together with children can make us happy,lought ,smile and energic . to become teacher needs strong will and loyalty,integrity beside having good personality. 

But any how some time we get something to be solved soon. A child is considered to have learning difficulties when reading, writing and mathematics is lower than the level of age, the results of measuring academic ability and intelegensianya. That is, there are differences between academic results achieved by the average ability of optimal. 

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For example, a child IQ test results show the number 140 and was pleased to read the encyclopedia, but in school these children have difficulty concentrating and hyperactivity classified so always get a bad grade because it is not able to complete the tasks assigned  by teacher. This problem can not be considered trivial. Children who have learning difficulties will receive a low value in the school.