In relating to the problem. The smart way to handle and overcome students guilty ,We see at present that many arise in the community that the problem of juvenile delinquency. Why does the problem arise in the life of society? The problem arises because due to several factors: The first factor, because the development of the mass media today. The mass media has a profound influence on the lives of the present. The second factor, the lack of parental pressure upon children leaving the child does not feel pressured and can act freely. Thus, opening the door for behavior that violates the norms prevailing in the community. Therefore, parents should play an active role towards his family, especially his son.
Juvenile delinquency cause impacts on people's lives. Among other things, because of the increasingly widespread juvenile delinquency in society resulting in people become restless and uneasy due to behaviors such naughty teenagers. In addition, juvenile delinquency also cause aberrant behavior causing anarchic actions., pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
We can take measures to prevent juvenile delinquency. for example, as parents should often give directions are good for their children in order to shape the child's behavior was good. In addition, we as teenagers who are able to distinguish the good things with the bad things that are supposed to behave in accordance with prevailing norms in the community.
In conclusion, let us jointly participate to combat juvenile delinquency such thing. Because of juvenile delinquency is a problem that can lead to future generations is threatened. In addition, parents have a significant role to his son to keep his misbehavior.