Formulation of
the problem
is the problem of education?
are the main issues of education in Indonesia?
is the right solution to solve it?
are the factors that influence the development of educational problems?
know the meaning of the problem of education.
find out the various main problems of education in Indonesia.
find out the solution of the problems of education in Indonesia.
Educational Problems
Problematic is derived
from the English root "problem" meaning, problem, problem or puzzle.
It also means problematic, ie uncertainty.
of education in indonesia in Concerning education there are
many definitions, but generally there is a definition that, education is a
product of a nation's civilization developed on the basis of a nation's own
view of life, as an experience that provides understanding, views and adaptations
for the person who causes them Developing. The definition of education more
specifically is a growth process in which an individual is helped to develop
the power of his abilities, his talents, his abilities and interests. So it can
be concluded here that education is, a conscious effort in order to instill
capabilities, both related to cognitive experience (knowledge power), affective
(attitude aspect) and psychomotor (skill aspect) owned by an individual.
The meaning of
problematic education is, the problems or problems faced by the world of
education, especially the State of Indonesia. [1]
Basic Education Issues in Indonesia
Development of
education that has been implemented since Indonesia's independence has given a
result that is quite amazing that in general the quality of human resources
Indonesia is much better. But compared to ASEAN countries, we are still far
behind, therefore, more active efforts need to be improved so that our nation
will not become an alien guest in the country itself, mainly because it is
colonized by foreign culture and forced to dance on the rhythm of another drum.
Efforts to build human resources that are highly competitive, science-minded,
and morally and culturally is not a relatively light work. This is because our
education is still facing a variety of internal problems that are quite basic
and complex. We still face a number of problems that are in character from
elementary education to higher education. The low quality of elementary school
is very important to be addressed immediately because it is very influential to
the next education, there are some internal problems facing education, among
others, as follows.
The low equality of
learning opportunities (equity) is accompanied by the number of students who
drop out of school, and the number of graduates who do not continue to higher
education level. This is identical with the characteristics of poverty.
The low quality of
academic, especially the mastery of natural science (IPA), mathematics, and
language, especially English, while the mastery of the material is the key in
mastering and developing science and technology.
The low internal
efficiency due to the length of study period exceeds the specified standard
The low efficiency of
the educational system called education relevance, which leads to an increase
in unemployment of educated workers. Empirically, the trend of increasing
unemployment of educated workers is due to the development of the business
world that is still dominated by large entrepreneurs whose numbers are limited
and highly focused on efficiency (capital and solid technology). Thus the
increase in demand for labor is much smaller than the increase in the number of
graduates of educational institutions.
There is a tendency of
moral and moral decline that causes the dissolution of social responsibility
and solidarity, such as the occurrence of student brawl and juvenile
delinquency. In this case religious education becomes very important to be the
basis of morality and moral and noble character must be given to the students
early on. As such, it will be a strong foundation for moral and ethical
robustness after plunging into society.
The above problems are closely related
to constraints such as geographic, demographic, and socio-economic conditions.
The large number of people scattered throughout Indonesia's geographical area
is quite wide. Poverty is also one of the obstacles that has a close
relationship with educational problems. The low quality of education system
performance is not only caused by the weakness of educational management of
micro level of educational institution, but also education management at macro
level such as low efficiency and effectiveness of processing of education
system. The system and the life of the society are not conducive to determine
the low quality of education system in schools which in turn causes the low
quality of students and graduates. The policies and programs aimed at
addressing the above problems should be formulated specifically because the
phenomenon and causes of problems also vary across Indonesia. [2]
The education system
becomes an integral part of socio-cultural life and society as supra system.
Development of education system does not mean anything if not synchronized with
national development. The close relationship between the education sector as a
system with the socio-cultural system as supra system, where the education
system becomes part, create conditions in such a way that the internal problems
of the education system becomes very complex. This means that an internal
problem in the education system has always been linked to problems outside the
education system itself. For example, the quality problem of learning outcomes
of a school can not be separated from the socio-cultural and economic
conditions of the surrounding community, where the school students come from,
and many other factors outside the school system associated with the quality of
learning outcomes.
on these facts, the prevention of education problems is also very complex,
involving many components and involving many parties.
there are two main problems faced by the world of education in our homeland
today, namely:
all citizens can enjoy educational opportunities.
education can equip learners with strong work skills to be able to plunge into
the arena of social life.
first concerns the problem of equity, and the second is the issue of quality,
relevance, and also the efficiency of education. [3]
mentioned above, in this section will be discussed four main issues of
education that have become national opportunities that need to be prioritized
overcoming them. The problem is:
The Problem of Equity Education
In carrying out its
function as a vehicle to indulge nation and national culture, national
education is expected to provide the widest opportunity for all Indonesian
citizens to obtain education.
The problem of equality
of education is the question of how the education system can provide the widest
opportunity to all citizens to obtain education, so that education becomes a
vehicle for human resources development to support development.
The problem of equality
of education is the question of how the education system can provide the widest
opportunity to all citizens to obtain education, so that education becomes a
vehicle for human resources development to support development.
The problem of equality
of education arises when there are still many citizens, especially school-age
children who can not be accommodated in the system or educational institution
because of the lack of education facilities available. In the early days, in
our homeland Act No. 4 of 1950 as the fundamentals of education and teaching in
schools. In chapter XI chapter 17 reads:
Every citizen of the
republic of Indonesia has the same right to be accepted into a student of a school
if the conditions stipulated for the education and training of the school are
met. [4]
Furthermore, in
relation to the compulsory education of Chapter VI article 10 paragraph 1
states: "all children of 6 years of age are entitled and 8 years of age are
required to study at school, at least 6 years" paragraph 2 states:
"study at a recognized religious school Of the ministers of religion
considered to have fulfilled their learning obligations.
The juridical
foundation of educational equality is of paramount importance, as the basis for
the implementation of educational equity efforts to catch up with us as a
result of colonialism.
The problem of equity
in getting education is important because if school-age children have the
opportunity to study in elementary school, then they have the basic provision
of the ability to read, write, and count so that they can follow the
development through various mass media
and learning resources are available either they Will play a role as producer
and consumer. Thus they are not retarded and become obstacles to development.
Therefore, by looking
at the objectives contained in the educational equity effort is to prepare the
community to participate in development, then after the educational equity
efforts are met, began to be noticed also the equalization of the quality of
education. This will be discussed in the point on the issue of quality of
Specific formal
education or tiered schooling education and each level has their respective
functions and the wisdom of obtaining educational opportunities at each level
is regulated by taking into account the quantitative and qualitative factors as
well as the relevance of which is always determined projection continuously
with care.
At the elementary level
of education, the policy of provision of educational opportunities is based on
quantitative factors, because to all citizens the need to provide the same
basic stock. In secondary education and especially in higher education, the
policy of participation is based on qualitative and relevance considerations,
namely the interests and abilities of children, the needs, labor, and the needs
of community development, culture, science, and technology. In order to achieve
a balance between interest factors and opportunities for education, it is
necessary to have the widest possible illumination of the areas of work and the
skills and requirements required in its major development for new and scarce
The development of
education equalization effort continuously from lamp to lamp. In Law No. 2 of
1989 on the national education system III on the right of citizens to obtain
education, article 5 states: "Every citizen has the same right to
education". Even in article 7 of the right has been emphasized as follows:
"the acceptance of a learner in an educational unit is organized by not
discriminating between sex, religion, ethnicity, race, social standing, and
level of economic ability, and by heeding the specificity of the educational
unit Concerned.
The development of
science and technology offers a wide range of alternative educational models
that can extend the service of learning opportunities. In terms of study time
varies from several hours, days, weeks, months, to years, through face-to-face
processes to a cloudy nature environment. [5]
2. Quality of Education
The quality of
education is problematic if the educational outcome has not reached the level
expected. The determination of the quality of the first educational outcome is
done by the producer institution as a producer of management to the prospective
outcome, with the certification system. Furthermore, if the outcome of the test
is assessed, the assessment is performed by the user institution as the energy
consumer with the performance test system. Usually still training and
apprenticeship for candidates to adjust to the demands of work requirements in
the field, and work.
So the quality of
education is finally seen in the quality of its output. If the national
educational objective is a criterion, then the question is: whether the output
of the education system makes a self-righteous, independent, socially
responsible member of society. In other words, this output manifests itself as
human beings of development who can build themselves and build their
environment. Outcome quality as such is a nurturant effect. Although it is
realized that the essence of products with such characteristics is not merely
the result of the education system itself.
The problem is that the way of
measuring the quality of the product is not easy. And in general only by
associating with learning outcomes that are often known as the last examination
Though the quality of
learning can only be achieved through quality learning process. If the learning
process is not optimal it is very difficult to expect quality learning
outcomes. If the learning does not happen optimally will result in a good test
score results then it is almost certain that the learning results are false.
Means the issue of the quality of education is more diluted on the problem of
processing education. Furthermore, the processing of education is supported by
the education component consisting of students, education personnel,
curriculum, learning facilities, and also the surrounding community.
The problem of the
quality of education also includes the problem of equality of quality, in the House of Representative Assembly of Republic of Indonesia ( MPR RI ) Decree on the Headline of State Policy ( GBHN )stated that the emphasis of development of education
is placed on improving the quality of each level and type of education, and in
order to improve the quality of education, especially to spur for the mastery
of science and technology needs to be more refined and Enhanced teaching of
natural science and mathematics. Generally education throughout the country
generally shows rural areas lower than urban areas. [6]
3. Education Efficiency
In essence the problem
of efficiency is the issue of education management, especially in the
utilization of funds and human resources.
Efficiency means that
by using the energy and the smallest cost can be obtained as big as possible.
Thus, an efficient educational system is that with limited manpower and funds
it can produce a large number of highly qualified graduates. Therefore, the
integration of education management should be visible between all elements and
units, both between public and private schools, school and non-school
education, between institutions and units of educational and cultural
Experts say that the education system is still less efficient. This is evident from the number of
children dropping out, many children who have not been able to provide
educational services, many children who live in the classroom, and lack the
proper service for children who are weak and extraordinarily intelligent and
it should seek to find ways for the implementation of education to be
efficient. [7]
issue of educational efficiency questioned how a system of education empowered
existing resources to achieve educational objectives. If the use of efficient
and precise target is said to be high efficiency.
important educational efficiency issues are:
How educational personnel functioned
B) How educational
infrastructure and facilities are used
C) How education
is organized
D) Problem of
efficiency in the functioning of power.
These issues include
the appointment, placement, and development of educational personnel. The issue
of appointment lies in the gap between the stock of available power
with a very limited allocation of rations. In the past 5 years, the allocation
for each year is only about 20% of the field staff needs. While the supply of
ready power in the lift more bear than needs in the field. Thus, more than
80% of the available power is not immediately functioned. This is a covert
marriage, because the investment cost of procurement is not immediately paid
back through dedication. And teachers especially teachers are not prepared for
The problem of teacher
placement, especially teachers in the field of study placement, often
experienced the gap , not adjusted to the needs in the field. A school accepts
new teachers in the field of studies that are sufficient or even excessive,
whereas the required subject matter teachers are not given because of the
limited allocation of rations so that they are placed in certain schools a
teacher of study must concurrently teach areas of study beyond their authority,
The macro-planned energy is sufficient, but has a placement problem due to the
limited number that can be lifted and the difficulty of soliciting available
labor in remote areas.
The problem of
developing educational staff in the field is usually late, especially when
welcoming the new curriculum. Each curriculum update demands adjustments from
field implementers. Can be said generally handling development executive staff in the field is very slow.
Though the process of debriefing to be ready to implement the new curriculum is
very time consuming. As a result there is a gap between the time in the
curriculum is enacted with the time it starts to be implemented and the
education is less efficient and effective. [8]
4. Education Relevance
The relevance is a problem
arising from the incompatibility of the educational system with the national
development equal to the needs of individuals, families, and communities, both
in the short term, and in the long run.
Education is a
supporting factor for the development of national resilience. Therefore, it is
necessary to integrate in the planning and implementation of education with the
national development. For example, school education should be planned based on
real needs in the national development movement, as well as taking into account
the characteristics of the workforce that are needed in accordance with
environmental circumstances in certain environmental areas. [9]
It has been pointed out
in the previous section that the task of education is to prepare human
resources for development. The issue of educational relevance includes the
extent to which the educational system can produce outcomes appropriate to
development needs, ie issues such as those described in the formulation of
national education objectives.
Education outcomes are
expected to fill all sectors of diverse development such as the production
sector, the service sector. Both in terms of quantity and quality. If the
education system produces outcomes that can fill all the actual and potential
development sectors by meeting the criteria required by employment, then the
relevance of education is considered high.
Actually the criteria
of relevance as stated is quite ideal if it is associated with the condition of
the education system in general and the description of the existing work, among
others, as follows:
The status of the educational institution itself is still of varying quality.
The education system never produces a ready-to-use outcome. There is ready to
Map of labor needs with requirements that can be used as a guide by educational
institutions to prepare the program is not available.
Of the four kinds of
educational problems are each said to be resolved if education:
A) Can provide
opportunities for even distribution of learning, meaning that all citizens who
need education can be accommodated in an educational unit.
B) Can achieve quality
results means: planning, processing of education can achieve results in
accordance with the objectives that have been formulated.
C) Can be accomplished
efficiently means: educational processing in accordance with the design and
objectives written in the design.
D) The quality of the
product is relevant, that is: the result of the education in accordance with
the needs of the community and development. [10]
Basically development
in the field of education would want to achieve equitable education and
education at the same time. There are two factors that can be raised as to why
quality education can not be cultivated at this time:
First: the expansionary
movement of education to serve equal distribution of educational opportunities
for the masses requires the collection and mobilization of funds and resources.
Second: the conditions
of the education units at this time make it difficult to improve the quality
because the number of students in the class is too much, the deployment of less
competent educators, the unsteady curriculum, inadequate means.
Nevertheless, the
distribution of education can not be ignored because the effort, especially
when a nation is starting to build has a dual purpose, in addition to the
political objectives as well as the purpose of development is to provide basic
supplies to citizens to receive information and have basic knowledge to develop
themselves so that it can Participation in development.
In the description it
appears that the problem of equity is closely related to the quality of
education issues.
Starting from the
picture also seems to be related to efficiency issues. Because the condition of
the implementation of education is not perfect, then by itself the
implementation of education and in particular the learning process takes place
inefficient. Educational outcomes can not be expected to be relevant to the
needs of the development community, either quantitatively or qualitatively.
3. Solutions Problem
Solving Education in Indonesia
1. Problem Solving for
Equity Education
Many kinds of problem
solving has been and is being done by the government to improve education in
order to educate the life of the nation, the steps taken through conventional
and conventional way.
ways include:
Establish school buildings such as Elementary Instruction and / or study rooms.
Uses school buildings for double shifts (alternating morning and afternoon
In connection with that
which needs to be encouraged, especially for basic education is to generate
willingness to learn for people who are less able to want to send their
children to school.
Innovative ways
The teacher system (education by the community, parents, and teachers) or inpact
system, the system was initiated in solo and disseminated to several provinces.
small primary schools in remote areas
The teacher's system is visiting
open secondary school
Pursue package A and b
Distance learning, such as in open universities. [12]
Quality Problem Solutions, Efficiency and Educational Relevance
Although for each type
and level of education each has a specificity, but basically solving the
problem of quality of education targeted improvements in the quality of education
components and the mobility of these components. These efforts in turn are
expected to improve the quality of educational processes and learners' learning
experiences, and produce educational outcomes.
to solve the problem of quality of education in outline include things that are
physical and soft, personnel, and management. As follows:
A more rational selection of raw inputs, especially for Senior High School and
Development of the capability of educational staff through further study.
Performance of curriculum
The development of infrastructure that creates a peaceful environment for
Improvement of learning facilities such as textbooks, learning media
Managers of administrative administrations especially those concerning the
G) Quality control
activities. [13]
4. Factors Affecting
the Development of Education Problems
The main issue of
education as mentioned above is the problem of micro-development, namely the
problems that take place in the education system itself. The micro issues are
related to macro development issues, ie problems outside the education system,
so it must be taken into account in solving micro-educational problems. These
macro issues include issues of international development, demographic problems,
political, economic and socio-cultural issues, as well as regional development
issues. Macro issues are factors that affect the development of educational
problems, namely:
Development of Science and Technology
of Science and Technology
There is a close
relationship between education and science and technology (science and
technology). Science is the result of systematic and organized exploration of
the universe, and technology is the planned application of science to meet the
needs of people's lives. For example, the relationship between education and
science and technology, for example, often a new technology used in a
production process raises new social economic conditions because of changes in
terms of work, and possibly decomposition of workforce or hours, the need for
new materials, new service systems,
The development of a new lifestyle, the
condition can minimally affect the changes in educational content and methods,
maybe even a new formulation of educational allowances, automatic facilities
also supporting facilities such as laboratory facilities and tranquility. All
of these changes are of course also problematic on a national scale that is not
a bit costly. The above examples illustrate the indirect effect of science and
technology on the education system. In addition to the indirect influence,
there are also many direct effects in the educational system in the form of
various innovations or reforms with various objectives accentuated. Some aim to
address the shortage of teachers and school buildings such as teacher and open school systems, relatively fast procurement of teachers such as diploma programs,
protection of teacher professions such as teaching deed programs. Almost every
innovation invites trouble. First, because there is no guarantee that the
innovation will bring results. Second, basically people feel hesitant and upset
when faced with new things. The problem is how to introduce an innovation for
people to accept it. Each innovation contains two aspects: the conceptual
aspect (containing ideas, ideals, and principles) and aspects of the
operational structure (the implementation technique).
Development of Art
Art is a creative
activity of humans, individually or in groups that produce something beautiful .Through human art can channel the urge to create (create) that is
original (not imitation) and spontaneity encouragement in finding beauty.
Viewed from the aspect of educational goal that is the formation of the whole
human, art activity has a big share because it can fill affective dominant
development, especially positive and constructive emotions and skills in
addition to cognitive domains that have been worked through the program / field
of other studies. In terms of employment, today the art world with all its
branches has undergone rapid development and increasingly got a place in the
life of society. [14]
2. Population Growth
The problem of
population and education comes from two things, namely:
Population increase.
With the increase of
population, the provision of educational facilities and infrastructure along
with the supporting components of the implementation of education should be
added. And this means the burden of national development is growing.
Population growth
coupled with increasing average age and declining mortality, resulting in a
change in population structure, the proportion of primary school-aged
population declining, while the proportion of the population of secondary
school age, the labor force, and the elderly population is increasing thanks to
advances in the fields of nutrition and health. Thus there is a shift in demand
for educational facilities, ie for secondary schools tends to increase more
than the demand for primary school facilities. As a consequence of continued
follow-up, the demand for advanced collegiate is also increasing, especially
for the increasingly aged population of elderly need to be provided with non
formal education.
Citizen deployment
The spread of the
population in all corners of the country is not evenly distributed. There are
densely populated areas, especially in large cities and rural areas, especially
in remote areas located in the mountains and on the islands. The distribution
of the population as illustrated presents difficulties in providing educational
facilities. For example, the establishment of a small elementary school to
serve the need for education in remote areas of V lamps, in addition to regular
primary schools. Not to mention the difficulty in terms of providing and
placing teachers. [15]
3. Community
In the last two decades
or so people's aspirations have increased in many ways, especially the
aspirations of a healthy living education, aspiration to work, all of which
affect the increase of aspirations to education. Education is considered to
provide guarantees for improving living standards and climbing social stakes.
The phenomenon that arises is the flood of applicants in schools. Student flow
becomes increasing. In the cities, in addition to formal education began to
emerge a wide range of non formal education. Some things that are not desired
include the selection of acceptance of students in various types and levels of
education to be less objective, the number of pupils and students of the class
exceeds the proper, the number of classes per school swell, the holding of
learning opportunities in the morning and afternoon with the reduction of study
hours, Learning, teacher shortage, and so on. Cultural backwardness is a term
given by a group of people (who consider themselves advanced) to other
societies supporting a culture. For culturally supportive society, its culture
must be seen as something of value and goodness. [16]
4. Cultural
Backwardness And Means of Life.
Cultural backwardness
is a term given by a group of people (who consider themselves advanced) to
other societies supporting a culture. For culturally supportive society, its
culture must be seen as something of value and goodness. There is absolutely no
culture that is absolutely static, let alone stagnant, unchanged. At least
parts of the elements are changed if not entirely in their entirety. Cultural
changes occur because of new discoveries from outside and from within the
community itself. The new culture is both material as agricultural, household,
transport, telecommunication and non-matrix equipment such as new ideas or
concepts of family planning, saving culture, respect for time, and so on.
Cultural backwardness occurs because:
A) The geographical
location of a community's residence (eg isolated)
B) People's rejection
of the arrival of new culture element because it is not understood or because it
is feared will damage the community itself.
The inability of society economically concerning element of that culture.
connection with the causal factors of cultural backwardness are generally
experienced by:
Remote community communities.
Societies that can not afford economically.
Less educated people.
The problem is that the
underdeveloped societies do not participate in development because they lack
the incentive to move forward. So the heart of the problem is to make them
aware of the backwardness, and how to provide the means of life, and how the
education system can involve them. If the education system can reach the
backward society its culture involves them to participate in development. [17]
The problematic of
education is, the problems or problems faced by education, especially the State
of Indonesia. Our educational world still faces a variety of internal issues
that are quite basic and complex. We still face a number of problems that are
in character from elementary education to higher education. The low quality of
elementary school is very important to be addressed immediately because it is
very influential on subsequent education
there are two main problems faced by the world of education in our homeland
today, namely:
all citizens can enjoy educational opportunities.
education can equip learners with strong work skills to be able to plunge into
the arena of social life.
first concerns the problem of equity, and the second is the issue of quality,
relevance, and also the efficiency of education.
1. The Problem of
Equity Education
The problem of equality
of education is the question of how the education system can provide the widest
opportunity to all citizens to obtain education, so that education becomes a
vehicle for human resources development to support development. The problem of
equality of education arises when there are still many citizens, especially
school-age children who can not be accommodated in the system or educational
institution because of the lack of education facilities available.
2. Quality issues of
Means the main issue of
the quality of education is more lies in the problem of processing education.
Furthermore, the smooth processing of education is supported by the educational
component consisting of learners, education personnel, curriculum, learning
facilities, and also the surrounding community. And the issue of the quality of
education also includes the problem of quality equality.
3. Education Efficiency
In essence the problem
of efficiency is the issue of education management, especially in the
utilization of funds and human resources. And an efficient educational system
is that with limited manpower and funds it can produce a large number of highly
qualified graduates. Experts say that the educational system is still less efficient. The issue of
efficiency in education questions how a system of education empowers existing
resources to achieve educational objectives. If the use of efficient and
precise target is said to be high efficiency. These issues include the
appointment, placement, and development of educational personnel.
4. Education Relevance
The issue of
educational relevance includes the extent to which the educational system can
produce outcomes appropriate to development needs, ie issues such as those
described in the formulation of national education objectives.
Alternative solution:
1. Problem Solving for
Equity Education
By conventional means
Build school buildings such as Elementary Instruction and / or study room.
Uses school buildings for double shifts (turns system morning and afternoon).
Quality Problem Solutions, Efficiency and Educational Relevance
efforts to solve the problem of quality education in the outline includes
things that are as physical and soft, personnel, and management. As follows:
A more rational selection of raw inputs, especially for Senior High School and University
Development of the capability of educational staff through further study.
Performance of curriculum
The development of infrastructure that creates a peaceful environment for
Improvement of learning facilities such as textbooks, learning media
Managers of administrative administrations especially those concerning the
Quality control activities.
The main issue of
education as mentioned above is the problem of micro-development, namely the
problems that take place in the education system itself. The micro issues are
related to macro development issues, ie problems outside the education system,
so it must be taken into account in solving micro-educational problems.
issues are factors affecting the development of educational problems, namely:
development of science and technology.
growth rate.
Cultural backwardness
and means of life.
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