Teaching children while playing games .Teaching children while playing gamesPlaying is an activity or activities to please. Play can also be a learning tool for children. Learning are not able to be done by force because it will not produce maximum results. Can we combine learning while playing. That's why playing while learning in children may be a factor of success. While learning is a process of change that do not understand being understood, from not knowing to knowing.
Therefore, the study will get something we do not know or understand. Yet, how difficult it is to teach children to understand what is given. Every child has different abilities and different ways. Kids sometimes easy to feel quickly bored and tired of learning if done seriously. Kids generally love to play, because the child's world is a world of play. Therefore, an educator must be able to provide learning through play so that they are easier to understand what will be given. It aims to attract passion and their attention to more quickly understand. Play and learn to get children to be independent and socializing on the surrounding environment, controlling emotions and work together with friends.
This is a positive thing that needs to be developed in childhood. According to Maslow, human needs consist of physical needs, security and affection. Playing the physical needs that need to be fulfilled for the children, which means that play is a basic need for children. With the fulfillment of physical needs that play, then the child will feel pleased and happy so that they become physically healthy and fit. Even Islam also considers that it is necessary for children to play. As narrated by the Prophet that he would often hold Hasan and Husayn on his back to play. This shows the importance of providing a sense of comfort and fun for children before they understand something. There are several principles of learning fun for children, namely:
Learning oriented to the needs of children Child's world is a world of play. Through this process the child will feel pleased and happy. Kids can explore using the objects around them. The learning activities are designed to build up the systematics of work / activity. This activity can be made choices from a series of activities to complete the work. Learning activities to explore the development of life skills of children, which helps children become independent, disciplined, able to socialize and have basic skills that are useful for the child's future life. Learning implemented gradually and repeatedly with reference to the principles of child development. Stimulus education is comprehensive, covering all aspects of development.
Therefore, any activity should be able to develop or construct various developmental or intelligence. The need for support from the teacher while playing. In the children's play needs to be accompanied by an adult that children do not lose track of time. In the play, it is necessary for teachers and parents provide simple learning associated with the game. Basically the play should show activity showed patience, problem solving, social skills and creativity. Pattern for children to play while learning, include the following; Aspects of Physical / Motor Motoric aspects during play provides an important opportunity for children to develop gross and fine muscle strength and overall integrity of the muscles, nerves and brain function. Social aspects Children's groups involved in the game so that they can respond in a social environment.
By interacting with others in play, children will learn to associate / social rules such as giving and taking, reciprocity, cooperation and sharing. Through these interactions then the child will learn to use moral reasoning and sentiment and able to survive in any condition adulthood. Constructive aspects Constructive play is when children manipulate their environment to make certain things. Examples of constructive learning games such as building a tower and building with blocks, playing in the sand, build tools from wood and so on. Constructive play allows children to experiment with objects, knowing the right combination and less precise and learn basic knowledge on the structure, building, drawing, sound and build something. Imaginative aspects and Fantasy Children prefer to imagine something that is abstract, try new roles and possibilities for different situations, and experiment with language and emotions. In addition, developing flexible thinking, develop imagination, using words and new word combinations in the environment and use numbers to express ideas, concepts, dreams, and what he had done. aspects of Rules In taking children to play, it is also necessary for us to tell the social rules. part of this development happens when they learn from games like follow how a game should be played.
Teaching children while playing games .The concept of rules in the game will teach children the concept that we must obey the law. By providing the opportunity to undertake activities on children's play without being limited by time and regulation play will make your child have plenty of time to explore on your own and construct their own knowledge. Kids will also feel free and do not interfere with their environment. They were able to learn quietly and comfortably and more quickly understand what they learn by playing. So as to play while learning to develop aspects of physical and mental development of children.
Bibliography Christianti, M. 2007. Child and Play . State University of Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta
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