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Thursday, 27 April 2017

Application of Audio Lingual Method in English Lessons Children

The purpose of learning with audio-lingual method makes it easy for children to learn English, especially in remembering the words / sentences. There are several techniques that can be done to implement this method, such as memorization techniques, construct words, equip, frequently asked questions, and so on. With this technique, the teacher can overcome the weaknesses of students in learning. In the study, the need for imitation, practice, and serving to reinforce the child to understand the material being taught., pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
 audio-lingual method, the English language, learning preliminary English is the language learned in schools ranging from elementary level to the high level. In English language learning, there are four skills that need to be controlled, ie listening skills, speaking, writing and reading. For those that administer teacher of English did seem easy but difficult for a child.

The problem is how do we get that material can be accepted English children well with up and there was a positive response from the child. Teaching English is not only delivered material is complete, the important thing goes wrong material was delivered without regard to psychological our students. Do not we want our students to feel enjoy, feel good the material that we deliver the right method., pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
If the child feels comfortable and happy with the way we teach course material that we convey to the child will be quickly accepted the child. Teaching English in primary school will seem monotonous and boring if the teachers lack of creativity and lack of control methods of teaching English. Teaching English is not only writing down vocabulary or vocabulary on the board then copy the book  after the child imitating teachers in words or vocab earlier. Perhaps in this way is the conventional way and make good students and teachers become bored quickly. Moreover, speaking skills in English language learning. Sometimes children feel desperate because it is difficult to remember vocabulary that will be used so that learners are reluctant to speak.

 Skills of speak a language skill that needs to be controlled properly. These skills are an important indicator for the success of students. With the mastery of a good talk, students can communicate their ideas, both at school and with foreign speakers. Speaking skills is a medium to learn to express opinions to others 

Therefore, the need to develop new methods to increase the motivation of learners in learning English, especially speaking skills. In this case, the problems that often arise in school is how teachers teach conversational skills in learners. Such a phenomenon is a problem that needs to be found to develop alternative solutions. One effort that can be done to solve this problem is to apply the learning method Audio Lingual Method. Discussion 

1. Definition Audio Lingual Method Audio Lingual Method is a method whose implementation is focused on training activities, drill, memorizing vocabulary, dialogues and reading texts. This method was first proposed by a professor from America. This method was developed in 1958, supported by learning how national security agencies. Regardless of the method in Japan is growing rapidly throughout the school in the late 1970s. 

According to  Iskandarwassid (2009), the method is a method that prioritizes audiolingual repetition. The way it is done for time efficiency in language learning. In this method of language learning is focused on the pronunciation of words, and the training patterns are repeated intensively sentence. In addition, this method invites teachers practiced a short dialogue that any means can not be translated by the students. Teachers can give instructions to students to follow the dialogue and encouraged to guess the meaning of the dialogue. In addition, students can be encouraged to memorize the dialogue that they do not know the writing and meaning clearly. Because here the students are invited to see a dialogue on the results to hear. 

They were invited to think to understand the contents of dialog and memorize it in a short time without allowed to read or write. After the students memorized, then the teacher told the vocabulary in the inside of the dialogue. Students read, then they wrote it.

 This method is believed effective to make students learn English quickly. 2. Application of Audio Lingual Method in English Lessons Audio Lingual Method is a method that can make the students can use the target language communicatively and automatically without stopping to think. 

In addition, this method helps students to acquire a structural pattern sentence or language and familiarize students speak English by repeating words or phrases. By repeating words or phrases students are expected to make it a habit to be more confident in pronouncing English words properly. In the audio-lingual method, there are variations of drills that can be used such as: - 

Repetation, is intended to make students repeat sounds heard. Example: I used to know him - I used to know him - Inflection, the emerging one word from being heard. Example: I bought the ticket - I bought the Tickets - Replacement, students change the pronouns in hearing based instruction. Example: Tell him to wait for you - wait for me -

 Completion, students heard the expression, complete except for one word, and then they will be repeated in a complete form. Example: I'll go my way and you gou .... - I'll my way and you go yours - 

Transportation, mean change in word order when she added. Example: I'm hungry (so) - so am I - Expansion, used when the word plus and it instead of words. Example; I know him (hardly) - I hardly know him Audio-lingual method application there are procedures that must be considered, as follows: 

1. Students must be listening, speaking, reading and listening
2. The grammar should be presented in the form of patterns with a topic sentence or dialog everyday situations or real. 3. Must be diligent exercise (drill) 4. Stages served from easiest to hardest 5. Give positive reinforcement to teach There are several techniques that can be used in learning English with audio-lingual method, as follows:

 a. Memorization Techniques Dialogue (Dialogue memorization Technique) In this technique, students must memorize dialog or short conversation between two people at the beginning of the lesson. In practice, the students play a role in the dialogue, while teachers can play as a partner character. After, students memorize the dialogue of the characters, teachers and students switch roles. 

Then, students mengahafal new dialogue again. In addition to the above way, the teacher can divide the students into two groups. Each group plays a role / character and memorize the dialogue. After each group plays a role and memorize the dialogue, students are asked to switch roles. After, the students memorized the dialogue, the teacher asks the students to practice the dialogue in pairs in front of the class. 

b. Mechanical Development Dialogue (Backward Bulld-up / Expansion Drill) This technique is used when students have difficulty memorizing long dialogue. Teachers can divide a long dialogue in a few pieces of paper, making it easier for students to memorize. Example: It is a beautiful scenery.

c. Repetition Technique (Repetetion Drill) In this technique the students are asked to imitate the teacher as accurately and quickly as possible. Teachers say a sentence, the students listen. With this technique, students can train the ability to hear. Example: Teacher: This is the seventh month Students: This is the seventh month 

d. Mechanical circuit (Chain Drill) This technique is done by asking students to sit in a circle in the room, and then one by one the students ask and answer questions. Teachers begin this drill with a hello or ask one of the students. The students then answer the question, then the student is asked back to friends at his side. Students were asked to answer and asked again Tado to friends at his side. Repeat the earlier technique, going forward. 

e. Kata Techniques Replacing Single (Single Slot Substitution Drill) In this technique, the teacher read a single line of dialogue, then the students say a word or group of words. After that, students are asked to imitate by entering a word or group of words that are appropriate to the earlier dialogues .: Example: Teacher: I know him. (Hardly) Student: I hardly know him.

f. Changing Techniques Many Words (Multiple Slot Substitution Drill) This technique is the same as the single slot substitution drill, but a little wider. Not just one couplet of dialogue, but the dialogue is full. 

 g. Changing techniques Sentence (Transformational Drill) In this technique, the teacher gives the student a sentence, then the student is required to change the sentence into different shapes, such as: the form of interrogative, negative, positive, passive, imperative and so on.

h. Technique FAQ (Question and Answer Drill) This technique trains students to be more careful in responding to the questions posed by the teacher. Students are trained to answer that question.

i. Pair technique Kata (Use Minimal Pairs) In this technique, the teacher uses a different word pairs sound one, for example: ship and sheep. Here, students are asked to find the difference between these two words, then practice to pronounce the word correctly. 

j. Mechanical Completing dialog (Complete the Dialoque) This technique is done in a way, the teacher wrote the dialogue in a paper, and the teacher remove some words in the dialogue, then the students are required to complete the dialogue.

k. Mechanical Games Grammar (Grammar Games) Techniques grammar game is similar to a supermarket alphabet, designed to train grammar / grammar students in a context. The students are accustomed to express themselves even in a confined area. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the implementation by applying audio lingual method, a teacher will give an example of the correct model (Pronounce) and how to pronounce it (how to Pronounce) a sentence and the students repeat. After that, students can get to know new words in the same sentence structure. Students were given vocabulary and asked to apply them in everyday life. In the audio-lingual method, there are several steps commonly performed in the learning process. 

The steps of learning by applying audio-lingual method, namely: 
a. Presentation dialog text or short text that was read repeatedly teacher and the students listen without looking at the text read.
b. Imitation and memorization of text simultaneously. 
c. Presentation sentence trained by repetition. 
d. Dramatization of dialogue or text drilled demonstrated in front of the class 
e. Formation of wording in accordance with drilled. Application of this method to promote knowledge about the structure, patterns of previously owned language. 

However, by way of imitation and reinforcement, students are able to identify the relationship between stimulus and response which is a second language / foreign language. Conclusion By applying audio-lingual method of learning English, children will be easier to understand and memorize the desired sentence. The repetition of words or phrases which are performed continuously will improve children's memory. Children are also given word / sentence by imitating the teacher. With a variety of techniques in audio-lingual method can be done in increasing the absorptive capacity of children in learning English. 

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