, pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

everyday life, the practice of mental revolution is to become a man of integrity,
willing to work hard, and have a spirit of mutual cooperation. " "The
Mental Revolution is a movement to galvanize Indonesian human beings into a new
man, who is white hearted, steel-bound, eagle-eagled spirit, flame-burning
spirit." That is the idea of the mental revolution first made by
President Soekarno on the Independence Day celebration of 17 August 1956.
Sukarno saw the national revolution of Indonesia when it was stagnant, but the
goal of the revolution to achieve the full independence of Indonesia has not
been achieved.
revolution in the era of independence was a physical struggle, a war against
invaders and allies, to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Now, 70 years after our nation became independent, the struggle was not, and it
will never end. We all still have to make a revolution, but in a different
sense. No longer taking up arms, but building the soul of the nation. To build
an independent soul, to change the way of view, mind, attitude, and behavior to
be oriented to progress and modern things, so that Indonesia becomes a big
nation and able to compete with other nations in the world. Why build a free
nation's soul is important? Building roads, irrigation, ports, airports, or
power stations is also important.
But as Mr.Sukarno said, to build a country,
not just physical development that is material, but actually build the soul of
the nation. Yes, in other words, the main capital to build a country, is to
build the soul of the nation. This is the basic idea of re-enacting the
mental revolution movement by President Joko Widodo. The most important soul of
the nation is the free soul, the soul of freedom to progress.
free soul is called President Jokowi as positivism. The movement of the mental
revolution is increasingly relevant for the Indonesian nation which is
currently facing three main problems of the nation namely; The decline of state
authority, the outbreak of intolerance, and lastly the weakening of the joints
of the national economy. In everyday life, the practice of mental revolution is
to be a man of integrity, willing to work hard, and have a spirit of mutual
and state apparatus will be the pioneers to drive the mental revolution,
starting from each Ministry / Institution (K / L). As a pioneer of the mental
revolutionary movement, the government through K / L must do three main things;
Synergize, establish issues management, and finally strengthen the capacity of
state apparatus., pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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