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Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Curriculum Assessment System in Indonesia

Curriculum Assessment System in Indonesia

Curriculum Assessment System in 2013  will be changed  back, from the system unit (1-4) returned to tens (0-100) as in the previous system. This is because the number of complaints from the Parent Guardian difficult pupils understand the system of assessment conducted as in Higher Education.
Some changes in the K13 Assessment which will be applied in this year include: attitude Assessment, Mastery learning, Mechanisms and procedures, Processing, Study report, Concept Assessment  ,Objective assessment
Formative (forming characters and behaviors, make learner as lifelong learners); diagnostics (see the development of learners and the feedback learning correction), and measuring the achievement / attainment in order to do the evaluation of learning outcomes., pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
domains were assessed:Knowledge.skills and Attitudes and behavior (attitude and behavior of abituation and familiarization)
Results Revised Curriculum 2013 On Learning, Assessment and Criteria for completeness
The assessment process: a more simple, affordable to do, do not become a burden to the teacher / student, but still give priority to the principles and rules of assessment
Assessment conducted not only an assessment of learning (assessment of learning), but also assessment for learning (assessmet for learning) and as learning assessment (assessment as learning).
Definition Assessment Authentic  ,assessment Authentic is a form of assessment that requires learners to show attitude, using the knowledge and skills gained from learning in performing tasks on the real situation of Interest Rate Authentic.

Making a successful learner students master knowledge, Coaching skills students use their knowledge in the context of his life,Allowing students complete a real problem principles of Evaluation, Encourage students to think critically  and applying knowledge..Measure student achievement of competence, Ratings based on criteria (criterion-referenced) Sustainable, for improvement ,Analysis for the follow-up study,Corresponding student's learning experience,Special Principles of Authentic Assessment,The materials were developed from curriculum assessment. Is cross-charge or subjects.Relates to the ability of learners.Based on the performance of learners. Motivating learners. Emphasizing on the activities and experiences of learners. Give learners the freedom to construct responses.Emphasizing the integration of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.Develop divergent thinking skills.Being an integral part of learning. Requires immediate feedback and continuously. Emphasizing that reflect real-world context.
Associated with the world of work. Using data obtained directly from the real world.
Using various methods and instruments. Interest Rate .Learning Outcomes Assessment by Educator aims to:Formative (forming the character and behavior, making lifelong learners - to drive learning, skilled),Diagnostics (see student progress and feedback-correction learning), and Achievement (measuring outcomes in order to do the evaluation of learning outcomes
Principles of Assessment
assessment of learning outcomes by teachers conducted on the mastery level of competence as an outcome of learning . so it's not competition ,ratings competence is assessment discrete not continuous
ratings discrete on a scale of 0-100  assessment in the form of descriptions with clarification : no / or less competent, reasonably competent, competent, highly competent .
Criteria for mastery
Rating based Reference criteria: assessment of learners' progress in comparison with the criteria of achievement of competence set . Complete competency attitude in the form of minimum description Good. Scores mean for competence mastery of knowledge stipulated minimum of 60.  the achievement of optimum for competence mastery skill set at a minimum of 60. Schools can determine the completeness limit above the standard with considering the  certain aspects in accordance with the characteristics and potential of schools value the knowledge and skills using numbers 0 - 100.
Completion Rate Class
Rating attitudes  conducted by using observation as outlined in the note subject teachers, counseling teachers ( BK), and homeroom form of anecdotal records (anecdotal records), records of certain events (incidental records), and other information are valid and relevant.
In the implementation, the assessment of each learner is assumed to have good manners, so that if it is not found very good behavior or not good then the value of the attitude of learners are considered in accordance with the indicators expected.
Self-assessment and peer assessment can be done in the framework of development and character formation of the students, so the results can be used as one means of confirmation of the results of the assessment by the attitude of educators.
Attitude Assessment
Assessment Attitude  is the assessment of the behavior of learners in the learning process, in the classroom and outside the classroom to foster an attitude, behavior and character of each learner.
Spiritual attitude assessment  carried out in order to establish the attitude of students to be able to appreciate, appreciate and practice the teachings of religion.
Ratings attitude Social is done to establish the social attitudes of students who are able to respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring, polite, and confident in interacting effectively with the social environment and the natural environment in which they are also read how to write a description of the attitude of the curriculum 2013 revision
Flow assessment of attitude
steps to make a recapitulation of competency assessment for a semester attitude:  Master MP, guardian KLS, and BK assessment for learning through observation attitude to record every incident that stands out
Note the observations made by teachers' attitudes MP, mayor of KLS, and BK and the results of the self-assessment records and among friends grouped into competence spiritual attitude and competence social attitudes.
Create a description on the competence of spiritual attitude and competence of social attitudes appropriate to the achievement of learners based on the observational record.
Description of the competencies written with the positive attitude is based on a collection of results of observation (notes) striking aspect.
Description competence spiritual attitudes and social attitudes that have not reached the criteria (indicators) are described as aspects that need guidance.
Description of each student by teacher attitudes MP submitted to the homeroom
Homeroom process descriptions of each student to be a description of the attitude of his players end
Homeroom write a description of the attitude each student report card source of info Curriculum 2013, pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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