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Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Curriculum Assessment System in Indonesia

Curriculum Assessment System in Indonesia

Curriculum Assessment System in 2013  will be changed  back, from the system unit (1-4) returned to tens (0-100) as in the previous system. This is because the number of complaints from the Parent Guardian difficult pupils understand the system of assessment conducted as in Higher Education.
Some changes in the K13 Assessment which will be applied in this year include: attitude Assessment, Mastery learning, Mechanisms and procedures, Processing, Study report, Concept Assessment  ,Objective assessment
Formative (forming characters and behaviors, make learner as lifelong learners); diagnostics (see the development of learners and the feedback learning correction), and measuring the achievement / attainment in order to do the evaluation of learning outcomes., pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
domains were assessed:Knowledge.skills and Attitudes and behavior (attitude and behavior of abituation and familiarization)
Results Revised Curriculum 2013 On Learning, Assessment and Criteria for completeness
The assessment process: a more simple, affordable to do, do not become a burden to the teacher / student, but still give priority to the principles and rules of assessment
Assessment conducted not only an assessment of learning (assessment of learning), but also assessment for learning (assessmet for learning) and as learning assessment (assessment as learning).
Definition Assessment Authentic  ,assessment Authentic is a form of assessment that requires learners to show attitude, using the knowledge and skills gained from learning in performing tasks on the real situation of Interest Rate Authentic.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

CHARACTER BUILDING MAKES A STATE GREAT, pub-8505768845065041, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

In everyday life, the practice of mental revolution is to become a man of integrity, willing to work hard, and have a spirit of mutual cooperation. " "The Mental Revolution is a movement to galvanize Indonesian human beings into a new man, who is white hearted, steel-bound, eagle-eagled spirit, flame-burning spirit." That is the idea of ​​the mental revolution first made by President Soekarno on the Independence Day celebration of 17 August 1956. Sukarno saw the national revolution of Indonesia when it was stagnant, but the goal of the revolution to achieve the full independence of Indonesia has not been achieved.

The revolution in the era of independence was a physical struggle, a war against invaders and allies, to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Now, 70 years after our nation became independent, the struggle was not, and it will never end. We all still have to make a revolution, but in a different sense. No longer taking up arms, but building the soul of the nation. To build an independent soul, to change the way of view, mind, attitude, and behavior to be oriented to progress and modern things, so that Indonesia becomes a big nation and able to compete with other nations in the world. Why build a free nation's soul is important? Building roads, irrigation, ports, airports, or power stations is also important.

 But as Mr.Sukarno said, to build a country, not just physical development that is material, but actually build the soul of the nation. Yes, in other words, the main capital to build a country, is to build the soul of the nation. This is the basic idea of ​​re-enacting the mental revolution movement by President Joko Widodo. The most important soul of the nation is the free soul, the soul of freedom to progress.

Learning by using problems owned by students

Learning by using problems  owned by students
Learning by using problems  owned by students  is a kind of teaching and learning which is carried out in the classroom and concerned to the strategy which is centered pedagogy in which students try to comprehend the  lesson or  subject through the students ability and competence to  solve the problem based on  an open-ended problem found in trigger material. Learning by using problems  owned by students   process does not concern  on problem solving to find out the way out of problems provided ,    but it permits for the increasing  of  desirable skills and attributes. This  covers the competence or  knowledge acquisition, enhanced group collaboration and communication. Learning by using problems  owned by students   process was increased  for treatment of  education and has since been broadened in applications for other programs of learning.  The process permits  for students  to increase competence or ability  used for their practice to come . It enhances the deep thinking  appraisal, literature retrieval and to be brave  the  ongoing learning in a group  environment.

Learning by using problems  owned by students   process involves studying or learning something  in  groups of students . Each student takes on a function in the group that can  be formal or informal and the function of students  often rotates. It is concerned  on the student's thinking  and reasoning to make  their own learning. The Maastricht seven-jump process involves clarifying terms, defining problem(s), brainstorming, structuring and hypothesis, learning objectives, independent study and synthesis.
Briefly , it is identifying what students have  known,  what thing students want to comprehend  and how and where to get  information  provided that may guide  to get  the problems way out  . The function  of the instructor or teacher is to facilitate studying  and learning by giving help , guiding, and keeping and eye on them about  the learning process.

 The teacher should develop  students' belief  to involve  on the problem, and make students brave , while also stretching their comprehension . This process is based on constructivism.. Learning by using problems  owned by students represents a paradigm shift from traditional teaching and learning philosophy
 which is more often directive approach . The constructs for teaching Learning by using problems  owned by students are stickily  different from  traditional classroom or lecture teaching and often  needs more  time  allotment  & resources.

The Learning by using problems  owned by students process was pioneered in medical school programs McMaster University in Hamilton. Traditional medical education disenchanted students, who perceived the vast amount of material presented in the first three years of medical school as having little relevance to the practice of medicine and clinically based medicine.

 The Learning by using problems  owned by students  curriculum was developed in order to give the spirit and vivid  learning by permitting  students to know  the relevance and application to the next function to come . It keeps  a higher stage  of motivation towards learning, and shows the necessary  of responsible, professional attitudes with teamwork values. The motivation for learning drives interest because it permit  for choosing  of problems that own  real-world application. and needs.

Learning by using problems  owned by students   has subsequently been adopted by other medical school programs
Advantages of Learning by using problems  owned by students
There are advantages of Learning by using problems  owned by students namely to make  student focus  which give them opportunity to be  active in learning and good  comprehension  and retention of knowledge. It also assists  to increase  life skills and life style which  are suitable  to many purposes
It can be used to develop  content knowledge while simultaneously fostering the development of communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, working together , and self-directed learning skills.. Learning by using problems  owned by students  may put  students to find out the optimal function by using real-world experiences. This strategy also  collective group intellect, differing perspectives which probably  offer different  thinking and paradigm  and solutions to a certain problem.

Disadvantages of Learning by using problems  owned by students
Based on the thinking of  Wood (2003), the biggest  disadvantage to this process involves the utilization of resources and teacher or trainer  facilitation. It needs  more people  to participate an active function  to participate  and group-led discussion and teachers . It is resource-intensive because it requires more physical space and more accessible computer resources to accommodate simultaneous  group-learning.

Students also report uncertainty with information overload and are unable to determine how much study is required and the relevance of information available. Students may not have access to teachers who serve as the inspirational role models that traditional curriculum offers.